3 of my favorite reads this summer and I hugged Sandwich when I finished the last page, such a gem!! Hope you're feeling good 🫶🫶

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Oh my gosh, yes, a hug!! Exactly. So glad you loved these too & thanks so much. :)

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So glad your back! When there's a lot going on in my life I try to stay tuned to my body...what's something that would bring me joy to eat? do I nap to be nice? would a good cry help? I loved The Wedding People and Margo. I haven't picked up Blue Sisters yet, but it's on my shelf!

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Thank you for this, Noelle!! These tips are right on - I can't help but listen to my body during these super fatigued months and 100 PERCENT am I listening to those nap calls, ha!! I also have zero qualms about eating ice cream at night these days (with whipped espresso because WHY NOT). Maybe not the healthiest choices, but healthy for my mind okay. :D

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